There are many things guys do that are almost impossible to hide; it's a natural thing they do when they feel attraction for a woman. In the list below, you'll also find some less obvious signs that will reveal his real desires that he's trying to hide, not just from you, but maybe from himself as well! With no further talks, here are ways to tell if a guy likes you:
The 30 Sure Ways To Know If A Guy Likes You:
1. He Says It: A guy that tells you "I like you" probably isn't lying.
Try to tune into the tone of his voice when he says this, you'll
know which type of "I like you" it was immediately, you can do
that by just looking at him!
2. He asks you questions. Okay, no point in explaining anything
3. He Ignores You Completely. Most times, when a guy is kind of
ignoring you, it's because he's either not interested, or he's really
interested, but he knows that when he acts cool and cold, you'll
be wondering how come he's the only guy around, that didn't
notice you. Look at it this way, when a guy is ignoring you – it's
either a strategy to get you interested, or he doesn't like you at
all, or… he does like you – but he thinks he can't do much about
4. He Asks You for Your Number. If a guy asks you for your
number, he likes you! Period..
The only time a guy asks you for your number, and doesn't like
you, is if he needs your info for some obvious reason like you
can get him in touch with some other important person, or you
can help him out with something, you know what I mean.:-)
5. He Adds You on Facebook. Guys (like me) don't send Friend
requests to babes they don't like... :-) It's that simple.
6. He Goes for the Kiss. Even if he was drunk – he still tried to
kiss you. No matter how much alcohol he drinks, a guy rarely
goes for the kiss if he doesn't like you.
7. He stares at your boobs. Do I need to explain this one?
Okay.. Your boobs are like a magnet and he just has a hard time
to control himself.
Just look at his eyes and where they're going. No matter how
hard he's trying to look uninterested, his eyes will reveal
everything. When you walk in front of him, he'll look you up and
When you talk, he looks at your lips, and does it often. He likes
what he sees!
The easiest way to tell if a guy likes you is by looking into his
eyes. Where does he look when you talk? Try to position
yourself in a way that draws your "oranges" out, and see
whether he looks at you more. *hehe..
8. He Makes a Lot of Eye Contact
Of course, if he's not only checking out your boobs, he might
really like your face. He'll look at your eyes when you talk and
he'll stare a bit longer than other people, but hopefully less to
appear creepy. If you catch him looking at you and he looks
away quickly and acts as if he's busy about something. Its also a
great sign.
9. He Smiles often. If a guy is smiling, this doesn't necessarily
mean he likes you, but, if you guys seem to smile whenever
you look at each other, for no real-reason (nobody said anything
funny), it's very likely this guy likes you.
10. He asks you "Do you Have a Boyfriend?"
Come on.. guys rarely ask this if they don't like you.
I mean, if he doesn't like you, he doesn't care if you're single or
11. He Agree with everything you say.
12. He's Nervous Around You
13. He Gets Jealous when you talk to other guys, and laugh.
14. He Remembers Your Name. Lets assume you met him at
some party and didn't really talk that much the first time.
When you meet again, you figure that he remembered your
Now, it's either he's a smart guy with a good memory; or he
likes you; or both..
15. He Congratulates you on your Birthday. This is a great sign!
He probably doesn't congratulate all of his Facebook friends on
their birthday. But he did send you a message! He was probably
just looking for a way to get the conversation started.
16. He is Trying to Impress You All the Time
17. He Starts the Conversation
18. One more sure way to tell if a guy likes you, is if he's
constantly making fun of you. If he's making jokes with you,
trying to make you laugh, joke around and he's being a bit
sarcastic, you know he probably likes you.
19. He Doesn't Use His Phone Around You. This one is a two
way thing.. it's either he will always use his phone around you
because he's shy, or he will rarely use his phone because he'll
look for the opportunity to talk to you. This is something he will
do out of respect and because he cherishes the time he can
spend with you. This can be anything like not picking up when
he has a call (especially if it's his mom), or anything that might
embarrass him.
20. He Compliments You. Guys rarely compliment women
they're not interested in. He might give you a not so obvious
compliment and then keep making jokes on your account and
keep fooling around.
Anyway, it doesn't matter whether he compliments you directly
or indirectly, getting a compliment from him definitely tells that
this guy likes you.
21. He Touches You. Even when he doesn't really have to – he
touches you.
Let's assume you guys are chatting and when he's trying to
make a point, he touches you to stress a word. Just know this:
The more physical contact a guy makes, the more obvious it is
that he likes you.
22. He Calls You on a Date. Okay.. maybe he won't say "let's go
on a date," but still, if he has your number and he invites you to
dinner/lunch/movie/coffee, or even just to go out with some
mutual friends, that's another sure way to tell if a guy likes you.
Whenever you see that a guy wants to spend some time just
with you, he's obviously interested.
23. He Chats You Up on Social media. If he chats to you often on
a social networking site, it may mean that he likes you.
24. He Invests In You
Another way to tell if a guy likes you is by looking at how much
time, energy, money and general effort he has invested in your
relationship. Did he go out of his way to help you with
something that took him hours, did he do you any favors, did
he do anything more than what was expected of him? If yes, he
probably likes you.
25. He Wants to Dance
If you're at a party and you talk for a couple of minutes, or
more, then he suggests you hit the dance floor – there you go,
the chances are that he likes you.
26. He Remembers the Details. When a guy likes you, he pays
more attention to what you've said, he delves deeper into your
words and tries to figure out their hidden meaning. So, if he
brings up something that you've talked about before, and you
figure he remembers things you say – its very likely he likes you.
27. He Doesn't Mention Other Women. When you are together,
he doesn't mention other women. Maybe he even has a
girlfriend, or a wife, but he doesn't mention it simply because he
wants to seem available in case you like him.
28. He Opens the Door for You
29. He makes the time to be with you
He's hanging out with you and he isn't in a hurry – this means
he's obviously enjoying his time with you.
30. The easiest ways to tell if a guy likes you is to look at his
body language and general behavior when he's around you.
I have to stop here. If u have any comments concerning this
write-up u're always free to use the comment box.. I love you.
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