The Relationship or marital problems come in all shapes and sizes. So, If you’re feeling distraught, worn out or desperate for help then please remember that you are not alone.
Relationship problems are not only peculiar to women, men have also had their fair share of disastrous break ups due to an inability to manage their relationships well. Read the 5 ways below the cut...
1. Infidelity
The highest reported cause of break ups. It includes but not limited to long/short term sexual affairs, internet relationships, sexing.
Women in every body shapes and sizes are temptations to our men. They are every where, flaunting their assets in skimpy outfit.
It takes a high degree of self discipline to overcome temptations, but if your partner is a rare gem worth keeping, then, oh yes, you need to avert your eyes from sinful gazes, keep your pants zippered.
2 Lack of care and Concerns of Our Appearances
This is most applicable to women, after getting the man, some women hardly care about their looks when they were still single and searching.
To keep your man attracted to you, you need to remind him everyday of why he choose you. Both manners and appearances have to be kept intact.
Guys, please keep your ladies interested always. Looking good isn’t only a woman’s job. Brushing your teeth, taking care of your beard and mustache, having your baths daily are thing that keeps your woman interested in you.
3. Lack of Communication
Language, they say, break all barriers. All relationship will have problems, its how well we manage them that matters.
Tell your partners how you feel during sexual and non sexual activities. Oh! Tade, I wish you had listened to me is much better than reacting with actions which are dangerous to your relationship health.
Speaking out makes your partner know you better, he/she knows your wants and dislikes.
Eye to eye communication, physical communication ( cuddling, hugs,e.t.c), have been tested and trusted over the years and they should be incorporated in your life.
4. Manipulation of Your Relationships By Family and Friends
The Communication should be limited to only you and your partner. Sensitive Information MUST not be disclosed to family and friends. We tend to brag about our parners, nag about our partners to friend and family who take the opportunity of your disclosures to manipulate your relationship to suit their whims.
Over involvement of friends and family in any relationship is a neat recipe for relationship problems.
Oh, she is such a freak in bed, Awwwn, he gives me his dollar ATM card to spend to my satisfaction, such comments can drive friends to jealousy, after which schemes of our to break you up begins.
5.Physical and Non Physical Abuse
The most serious problem in any relationship is physical, verbal, domestic violence. A relationship should be emotionally uplifting and should not be a source of emotional torture and turbulence.
Under no circumstances, should a man beat his wife or girlfriend. Don’t make yourself a beast and savage because you think its the only way to prove a point.
Verbal and emotional abuse, may not be intentional. You may see them as normal but its taking a toil on your relationship. A man wants to come home to a serene environment,not one filled with constant nagging, complaints and unnecessary hassling, it invokes a feeling of withdrawal and rejection.
A little complement here and there goes a long way to build a stable, peaceful relationship.
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